Automatic Gate Maintenance Checklist: Things to Inspect Weekly

metal and wooden driveway gate in dallas Texas having Automatic Gate Maintenance

The average cost of installing an automatic electric gate is $1,900. To some homeowners, getting an automatic gate can be an expensive investment. Fortunately, these types of gates can last a long time and don’t require much maintenance.

It’s essential to keep in mind that keeping a close watch on your automatic gate and addressing even the most minor issues is the best way to prolong its life. Regular maintenance will also help prevent your gate from looking old and worn down, which may reflect negatively on your property’s curb appeal.

In this article, we’ll share a simple weekly maintenance checklist that you can use to monitor the quality of your automatic electric gate.

What Should You Inspect?

The first thing you need to do during your weekly gate maintenance is to conduct a visual inspection. Here are some of the components you need to inspect:


Check if the wires are still in good condition, look for signs of corrosion, and ensure the system is still working.

Gate Opener:

Test if the gate opener is still working correctly by opening and closing the gate. Keep an eye out for any issues like strange noises or if the gate is moving slower than usual.

Bearings & Rollers:

Visually check their conditions for any damage or rust. Ensure that they are working smoothly. Look for signs of wear and tear.

Belt (Chain or Drive):

Check your automatic gate belts to ensure they are still intact and correctly linked. Check for any physical damage and signs of rust.

Inspect your gate’s bolts and make sure they are tightly screwed. You should also check the holding cables and springs to ensure they are held in place by bolts. If your automatic gate has any wooden components, inspect them for physical damage and signs of rotting.

Have Your Automatic Gate Cleaned

Having your automatic gate cleaned or washed every week is a simple and effective way to maintain it. It would keep the gate’s appearance polished, which means you won’t need to pay for refurbishment services any time soon.

Dirt and dust can build up quickly without routine washing. Most automatic electric gates can be washed down by water, except for the electronic components. You should use a dry, clean cloth to get rid of dirt and debris from the electronics.

Take note that you don’t have to wash or clean your gate every week. Simply do some minor washing on areas that you think are starting to get dirty. However, give it a clean-up and waxing at least once a year.

Keep Your Gate Lubricated

One thing you should also check each week is the lubrication of the hinges and other parts. It is recommended to have your gate’s moving parts lubricated every six months. Check the lubrication on the following:

  • Chains
  • Pulleys
  • Hinges
  • Screws
  • Rollers

These specific parts enable your gate to move and work, so you must ensure they don’t have significant problems.

Never use WD40 or heavy oil to lubricate your gate since they absorb moisture from the air, which may lead to rusting. Your automatic gate provider or manufacturer should also have a recommended lubricant. Other alternatives include white lithium grease, base oil, or silicone-based lubricants.

Like everything in your home, automatic gates require a certain level of maintenance. These maintenance tips should help preserve the quality of your automatic gate and ensure that it does its job of protecting your property.

4 Sure Gates has over 15 years of professional gate installation and repair experience that you can rely on. If you want your automatic gate repaired, contact us today and let our experienced team help you get your gate back to excellent condition.

Why Your Commercial Property Needs a Wrought Iron Gate

new wrought iron gate in Dallas, tX

Dallas city leaders continue to prioritize public safety, especially since murder and aggravated assault rates — which were already on a steady decline since 2015 — spiked over the last two years. But there’s only so much that law enforcement presence can do to stabilize violent crimes and property crimes in the city.

Commercial property owners might consider installing a wrought iron gate to increase property safety and security. This isn’t the only advantage of the gates, though. They boost the exterior appeal and, given how highly malleable the material is, they can be designed to fit seamlessly into your exterior design.

There are various advantages of installing wrought iron gates on your commercial property. Check out the four main reasons you should consider investing in them:

Improved Employee Safety

When people think of wrought iron gates, the first thing that comes to mind is a formidable fence surrounding property. You can install this type of gate at your commercial property to improve employee safety. It helps keep intruders and trespassers out of your property.

Another reason to install wrought iron gates outside and within your commercial property is to prevent employees from entering restricted areas that could cause them harm.

Enhanced Property Security

Although employee safety is one of your top priorities, you also have to look after valuable items and equipment in your commercial property. Security systems aside, you can protect these items from theft or vandalism by installing a wrought iron gate to keep unwanted visitors out.

Additionally, your visitors and customers will feel safer in your commercial property if they know that a sturdy gate helps keep unauthorized visitors from entering the premises while they’re there.

Greater Aesthetic Appeal

Aesthetic appeal is a common reason for installing wrought iron gates. The sturdy material adds a timelessly elegant vibe to any commercial property, thus making it look more attractive to visitors and customers. Given the material’s malleability, it can be shaped to match your property exterior.

Wrought iron gates also add to commercial property value. The material boosts security while making the property look good. If you decide to sell the property, the gates are a selling point.

Lasting Gate Durability

Wrought iron has natural durability that is difficult to cut through and almost impossible to breach. This durability also requires minimal maintenance. You simply have to check for rust and repaint the gates every two to three years, and they will always look good as new.

There’s also the fact that the material stays in good condition despite constant exposure to intense sunlight, heavy rain, and strong winds. It definitely has a strong return on investment.

Install a Wrought Iron Gate Today with 4 Sure Gates!

Clients may feel safer on your commercial property when you install wrought iron gates that protect against intruders.

4 Sure Gates has been providing trusted gate installation services since 2005. Our team services residential and commercial property owners in the entire Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. Expect high-quality gate products and materials at competitive prices.

Call (817) 965-7873 for a free consultation.

Steel vs. Aluminum Driveway Gate: Which is Better?

New wooden driveway gate in dallas

Home renovations have been all the rage in the past year; people have plenty of time to finally do those home improvement projects they’ve wanted alongside the increase in real estate interest. And one of the most popular home improvement renovations done is on garages and driveways.

These multi-use spaces are utilized in many ways, and the driveway gate is always in front of the home. Homeowners can be particular about how they look and their functionality. When it comes to driveway gates, the debate comes down to material: steel or aluminum? Which one is truly better? Which one withstands the test of time, and which one is easier to install?

Steel vs. Aluminum: Understanding the Materials

First, homeowners need to understand both materials.

Steel is an alloy made up of iron and carbon, known for its strength and durability against cracks and fractures. It’s also a low-cost material, and the cost combined with strength makes it ideal for buildings, machines, trains, cars, and more.

Aluminum is a low-density metal element. It’s soft and non-magnetic and more costly than steel. However, it’s exceptionally light, weighing only a third against steel’s weight. But it remains solid despite this lightness. This makes it ideal for aircraft, boats, and medical equipment. Its many benefits make it highly in-demand.

The Steel VS Aluminum Gate Debate

Looking at the benefits of both metals, which is truly ideal for your driveway gate?


The weight of a steel gate is substantial, and it won’t be easy to crack or open, giving you more security. It’s a strong, heavy material, and they also look great in a variety of gate designs. Because of this, however, it might be more complex to install, especially if it’s a large gate.

Aluminum gates are much lighter, and they will be easier to install. They could be used for a variety of gate types, especially sliding gates. They also aren’t as dangerous weight-wise. And aluminum gates don’t put as much stress as steel gates on gate opener mechanisms. So you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of an automatic system longer.


Most steel gates can last decades and remain strong, especially against violent weather or natural elements. It withstands corrosion better and is unlikely to crack or break. This adds a level of security to your driveway and your home.

If you need a gate that withstands the test of time, steel gates are your best bet. And even if they do eventually corrode slightly, steel gives off a distinguished look. And there are different methods available to keep it and its paint from rusting.

Aluminum gates are also quite firm without being as heavy as steel gates. However, it’s a myth that aluminum doesn’t rust compared to steel—just like anything else, it will oxidize when exposed to the elements. So, you’ll need to maintain it by cleaning it regularly and being mindful of any damage to make it last a long time. An excellent coating will protect it as well!

Choose the Right Gate for You with 4 Sure Gates!

In the end, there’s no real “better” metal to construct your driveway gate with. It all depends on your needs and what you feel is most convenient to you. Do you need less maintenance and more durability, creating a gate that withstands the elements and has strength? Go for the steel gate. Do you need lightness, flexibility, easier installation, and more ease of use with automatic systems? Go for the aluminum gate.

Either way, with proper installation, care, and maintenance, your gate will be strong, durable, and functional for years to come.

Not sure which gate is right for your home or your family’s needs? Call us today for consultation here, or let us install the right gate for you!

How to Protect Your Automatic Gate from Hackers

Automatic gates in dallas Texas

Automatic driveway gates have been quickly growing in popularity these last few years. Many commercial and residential property owners have swapped their manual gates for electric ones, knowing that they can heighten security and increase their curb appeal.

But as automatic gates grow more prevalent, some property owners have been concerned about one thing: can electric gates be hacked?

The answer is yes. Just like other forms of digital technology, electric gate openers can be hacked.

4 Sure Gates, a licensed automatic gate contractor, explains what makes automatic gates vulnerable to hacking and how you can protect your property from this security threat.

How Can Electric Gates Be Hacked?

Hackers can get hold of the codes used to open and close electric gates using specialized equipment. By duplicating these codes, they’ll be able to operate the electric gate opener remotely.

Another way that automatic gates can be made vulnerable to hacking is if the system is integrated into your internet network. For example, if someone hacks into your Wi-Fi, they could potentially control your driveway gate.

Hacking into automatic gate systems, however, requires expert equipment and skill. It’s no ordinary feat, so the chances of someone hacking into your electric gate system for malicious intent are slim.

Regardless, you want to take the necessary precautions to safeguard your property from hackers. There are several ways to double the security of your driveway gate, creating layers of protection that minimize the risk of intrusion, both physical and digital.

How Can You Secure Your Automatic Gate?

Make sure your connection is secure if your electric gate is embedded with your internet network. Set up a strong firewall system to block all unauthorized connections to your network, including hackers.

For commercial property owners, we recommend investing in a hardware firewall over a software one. Hardware firewalls have a separate operating system, making them more difficult to breach and less vulnerable to cyber threats.

Additionally, don’t forget to change your network password regularly to prevent it from getting stolen. You also want to follow best practices and tips on how to create strong passwords.

As a double measure, you can equip your driveway gate with additional security tools and accessories. An alarm system and a 24/7 surveillance camera, for instance, help ward off intruders. The CCTV will also record the face of everyone who enters your property, making it easier for you to identify the intruder in case of a breach.

To ensure that your electric gate is doubly secure, hire a gate specialist to help you out. They’ll assess your automatic gate system and search for vulnerabilities, then they’ll come up with solutions to protect it from hacking.

Secure Your Automatic Gate, Secure Your Property

4 Sure Gates is a gate repair and installation specialist in Fort Worth, serving residential and commercial clients in surrounding areas. We help you select the best gate system for your security needs, making sure that your property remains safe 24/7.

For inquiries about our gate installation services, fill out our online form.

Automatic Gates: How Secure Are They for Your Home?

secure Automatic Gates in Dallas, TX

Automatic gates for driveways are a popular option among people who want to enhance the security of their homes. They make sure that small children and pets stay safely within your property while keeping uninvited people and their vehicles out.

Apart from controlling access to your property, automatic gates for driveways can keep your home more secure in the following ways:

Ensuring Privacy

Depending on their height and design, automatic gates can shield your property from the prying eyes of curious neighbors and peeping Toms. They can also keep expensive items, such as luxury cars, hidden from unsavory characters as well as passers-by.

Preventing Burglaries

According to data from the FBI, burglary is among the most common forms of property crime in the US.

Burglars often case a house before trying to break in, so they can identify any vulnerabilities and security features that could put them at risk of discovery. They prefer homes with good accessibility, few or no security devices, and weak entry points.

An imposing automatic driveway gate made of heavy-duty materials can put off would-be burglars, as climbing over it or breaking it open takes too much time and effort. It also makes a lot of noise, which can alert neighbors.

How to Improve Your Automatic Gate’s Security

While automatic driveway gates are resilient and designed to enhance home security, they can be compromised. Here are some common ways an automatic gate can be breached and how to prevent them.

Power Issues

A power outage, or an intruder cutting the power, can prevent your automatic gate from closing or staying closed. For this reason, it’s important to have a backup power source and surge protector.

Brute Force

Ramming a gate with a heavy object such as a vehicle can cause its hinges or lock to break apart. To prevent this, choose a solidly constructed gate and install an additional lock—preferably an electric lock or magnetic one. Regular inspections and maintenance of the hinges can also help keep your gate resilient to brute force attacks.

If you have high-security requirements, a sliding gate is a better choice than a swinging gate. A sliding gate must be pushed off its track to be compromised—an extremely difficult task.

Additional security features such as retractable bollards behind your gate can also help prevent breaches from brute force attacks.


In the old days, automatic gate remotes worked by transmitting a code to the gate receiver, which would then unlock it. However, this was not a very secure method, as anyone with the right tools could pick up the code and use it to unlock the gate.

Modern automatic gates come with a rolling or hopping code, an encryption system used in keyless entry devices like car remotes. With rolling codes, your gate remote creates a new code each time it’s used, making it difficult, if not impossible, to capture and replicate.

If you have an old automatic gate, consider having an automatic gate company check if it uses a fixed code or the new rolling code system. If it uses the former, it would be best to replace your gate with a newer one with better security features.

Another option is to install an intercom so that visitors would have to call up to your house, and you’d manually allow them entry by pressing a button.

Turn to the Experts in Automatic Gate Installation & Repair

Automatic gates are a worthwhile investment for homeowners who want to keep their property and loved ones safe from outside threats. While there are some vulnerabilities in automatic gates, these can be quickly addressed through proper maintenance and upgrades.

To learn more about improving the security of your residential property with automatic driveway gates, reach out to us at 4 Sure Gates by calling (817) 965-7873 or filling out our form.

Should You Invest in a Solar-Powered Gate Opener?

Solar-Powered Gate Opener in Dallas, tX

Solar-powered gate openers become more popular every year, and because their manufacturing costs have steadily decreased, they’re more accessible now than ever before! And though homeowners get to enjoy many benefits, solar-powered gate openers are not ideal for every property.

4 Sure Gates breaks down the pros and cons before you invest in a solar-powered automatic gate opener.

What are Solar-Powered Gate Openers?

In solar-powered gate openers, solar panels harness energy from the sun to charge the battery instead of drawing it from an outlet. This stored energy is then used to open and close your gate. Unlike conventional automatic gate openers, solar-powered gate opener systems are not dependent on your AC power source.

The amount of energy captured from the sun’s rays depends on the size of the solar panels. If you open and close the gate up to 20 times a day, you need only a 10-watt panel. But if your gates open and close about 100 times a day (usually in multi-family buildings), you might need a 28-watt panel.

To determine the right solar panel for your automatic residential gate opener, ask our expert technicians.

Benefits of Solar-Powered Gate Openers

You Minimize Your Energy Bill

A typical American home pays an average of $115 every month for electricity. Because a solar-powered gate opener isn’t dependent on outlets, it will not add to this bill. The only expenses it entails are the upfront installation costs and maintenance, of course.

In addition, a solar-powered gate opener doesn’t require costly pre-installation preparations. Unlike traditional gate systems that need electrical adjustments, their solar-powered counterparts only need a place to install the panels.

Power Outages Don’t Affect the Gates

If you experience frequent power outages in your area, solar-powered gate openers are your best choice. Reliable batteries store enough energy for up to 10 cycles, even during days with minimal sunlight. You won’t experience the inconvenience of manually opening or closing your gate.

Solar Panels are Scalable

Should you upgrade to a bigger, more powerful automatic gate, you don’t have to replace your panel with a bigger one. You simply add another panel to capture the energy the new gate requires.

Drawbacks of Solar-Powered Gates

It’s Not Ideal for Locations with Limited Sunlight

The solar panels require at least eight hours of unobstructed sunlight to charge a battery fully. If it doesn’t get enough sun rays, it can’t power the cycles sufficiently.

As such, homeowners in rainy locations or places with long winters might be better off with a traditional gate system. In the same vein, solar-powered gate openers aren’t suitable for properties surrounded by dense trees.

It Requires More Maintenance

While solar-powered automatic gates don’t add to your electricity bill, they do require slightly more maintenance. On top of routine maintenance, homeowners have to clean the panels at least twice a year to ensure adequate absorption of sunlight.

Additionally, homeowners need to prune the trees around the panels to prevent the branches from blocking the sun.

If you need professional advice for solar gate openers, contact 4 Sure Gates technicians. We’ll help you determine if a solar gate system meets your property’s requirements.

Call us at (817) 965-7873 or send us a message today.

Explore the Four Most Popular Gate Materials

The choice of material affects upfront expenses, future expenses, and the service life of your gate. And because a burglary can cost a homeowner an average of $2,661, it pays to be critical of the materials you choose for home security.

To help you decide, 4 Sure Gates compiled the most popular gate materials for home and business owners in Texas.

Wooden Gates

A perennial favorite, a wooden gate never goes out of style. It complements most properties, but it’s best for homeowners who want a rustic and cozy appearance to their property. 

Choose a wooden gate if:

  • You want a homely feel. Without a doubt, wood is the most homely-looking material. It’s more welcoming than aluminum or wrought iron gate.
  • You have a specific look in mind. Wooden gates can be stained or painted in different colors. Whether you want a natural grain or a trendy olive green fence, you can achieve it.
  • You want to block out the view. Most wooden gates completely cover the property from prying eyes.

Wood, as with all materials, comes with disadvantages.

  • Wood is vulnerable to weather. Wood absorbs water when it rains and expands. Conversely, it dries out and shrinks when it’s hot. As a result, the gate’s hinges must be strong enough to support the weight fluctuations. 
  • Wood is prone to rot. To prevent rotting, wooden gates require periodic maintenance, which is more expensive than other gate materials, like wrought iron. The wood surface needs to be sealed regularly.

Aluminum Gates

Sleek and sophisticated, aluminum is the gate of choice for property owners who love a modern design. It’s lightweight, versatile, and easy to shape into whatever design you envision. 

Choose an aluminum gate if:

  • You want a bespoke appearance. Unlike wood or wrought iron, aluminum doesn’t have a distinct look. As such, it can be formed into any design you imagine. Aluminum ranges from rectangular panels or elaborate security gates. 
  • You want a gate with minimal maintenance. Aluminum doesn’t absorb water, rot, or rust, unlike other metal gate materials.

Beware of the cons of aluminum gates, too.

  • Aluminum is not ideal for locations with intense weather. Because aluminum is lightweight, strong winds and hail can damage the gate.
  • Aluminum may not be the best for automatic gates. The vibrations from the gate motor worsen the wear and tear, which may decrease the gate’s lifespan.

Wrought Iron Gates

If you want a gate design that’s imposing and grand, go for wrought iron. It’s the gate material used by old, stately mansions, thanks to its durability and elegance.

Invest in a wrought iron gate installation if:

  • You want a gate that could last generations. This is evident in old homes with wrought iron gates still intact. Wrought iron is sturdy enough to last for decades.
  • You live in an area with intense weather. If you encounter torrential rains, tough winds, or intense heat, wrought iron gates are your best choice. It stands up to extreme climate conditions.
  • You want a gate that intruders can’t cut through. Given its density and thickness, it is difficult to tamper or cut through wrought iron.

Tough as it is, wrought iron still has its disadvantages.

  • Wrought iron doesn’t provide much privacy. Most wrought-iron gates allow outsiders to see through and view your property. 
  • Wrought iron is more expensive. Given its durability, wrought iron often carries a heavier price tag than wood and vinyl.

Vinyl Gates

Though not as popular as its wrought iron or wooden counterparts, vinyl is still a trusted material.

Choose vinyl if:

  • You want an affordable solution. Vinyl is more affordable than its wrought iron and wooden counterparts.
  • You want extra privacy. A vinyl gate can completely block the view, offering you better privacy. 
  • You want a water-proof gate. Water slides off the vinyl. As such, these gates resist heavy rainfall.

Vinyl also comes with cons.

  • Vinyl is vulnerable to temperature changes. Vinyl expands and contracts as the temperature shifts, so it must be properly reinforced.
  • Vinyl is vulnerable to harsh weather. Winds and storms can destroy vinyl gates. Moreover, UV rays can cause the vinyl to fade.

Your choice of fence or gate materials will depend on your budget, aesthetics, preferred maintenance level, and more. 

If you need specialist advice for your new gate, call 4 Sure Gates at (817) 965-7873 or send us a message.

How Electric Driveway Gates Can Up Your Home’s Value

With everyone spending more time in their homes, it’s no surprise that home improvement projects are also becoming more popular. If you’re a homeowner, you’ve probably also contemplated a couple of renovation projects yourself. Just remember that one of the most important things to consider is whether a particular improvement will also add value to your property. 

In this regard, installing an electric driveway gate is a guaranteed way to make your home more attractive to buyers in the future. 

Here’s Why:

An Added Layer of Security

Make no mistake; the first and most important role of an electric driveway gate is to secure your property. With a taller and more robust wall compared especially to picket fences, an electric driveway gate can keep threats like burglaries, vandalism, and animal invasions at bay. According to the FBI, there were 1.4 million burglaries in the country in 2017.

The level of security is also increased with the use of stronger and heavier materials like iron, steel, or aluminum. They are difficult to break down or even budge. 

Electric gates add another layer of security in the form of automation. These gates can be connected with a comprehensive security system for the property where any tampering or use of force can trigger an alarm. 

Security is a major consideration for home buyers. And the more security features a property has, the more attractive it becomes on the market. 

Increased Privacy

Along with security, electric driveway gates also add a level of privacy to homes. They prevent passersby from seeing into the home and the people living there. This gives homeowners peace of mind when conducting their daily activities. 

Potential buyers want to imagine themselves living in the homes they view. Many people place a high premium on their privacy and installing an electric driveway gate will satisfy this need.

More Aesthetic Appeal

More often than not, gates add a certain degree of elegance and luxury to homes. They make the home literally more attractive to look at. They evoke a sense of exclusivity and prestige. They also set the right first impression on would-be buyers. 

When buyers pull up to a house with a gate, they know that the property owners consider security and protection a top priority. This creates the impression that the rest of the property is just as well looked after. 

An automated gate is also an indication of a modern, smart home – a quality that many buyers are attracted to. 

Added Convenience

Of course, one of the main reasons for choosing an electric gate instead of a normal, manual driveway gate is the added convenience. Automation has become a fact of life for many things and opening and closing gates should be no different. 

Final Thoughts? Contact 4 Sure Gates for Your Needed Gate Repairs!

Installing driveway gates, especially electric ones, is a surefire way of upping the value of the entire property. They add security, privacy, convenience, and aesthetic appeal: a worthwhile investment to have in any home.

If you have more questions about electric driveway gates and their many benefits, don’t hesitate to give us a call.

What’s The Best Driveway Gate Material For My Property?

4 Sure Gates wrought iron gate repair in dallas with different Gate Material

A gate on your property comes with a host of benefits. The installation of one could increase the value of your home by as much as $50,000. Gate installation also improves security, enhances curb appeal, and makes your property feel luxurious.

Before you install a driveway gate, consider the factors that may affect the success and enjoyment of your home improvement project. The construction material used to build the gate is one of them.

As experienced gateway repair and installation specialists in Texas, we know what material options work for certain driveway gates.

Keep in mind these three choices:

1. Traditional Wooden Gate

A gate made of wood is a versatile and classic option. It’s usually less expensive than other materials, such as wrought iron and aluminum.

Additionally, wood is a smart choice if you’re looking for flexibility. You could easily customize wooden gates to match the overall style of your house. Painting or staining the wood, for instance, will help you achieve the look you want.

One example of a wooden gate is the classic post-and-rail ranch-style driveway gate. This structure is ideal for securing farm animals in and keeping unwanted wildlife out of your property. You could give this gate a 21st century feel while retaining its rustic charm by installing modern security options and automatic openers.

2. Lightweight Aluminum Gate

As a primary material, aluminum is lightweight and easy to handle. Also, gates made using aluminum require minimal maintenance. You only need to clean the gate from time to time to keep the material in tiptop shape.

Another benefit of aluminum is its durability. It withstands harsh weather and the test of time.

If you want to customize an aluminum gate, you have the option to paint it or apply powder coating onto the material. Powder coating is an environmentally friendly way to enhance this structure. The coating contains zero solvents, which reduces the pollutants present in the atmosphere.

3. Iron Gates

This type of gate is famous for its durability and elegance. You’ll find wrought iron gates in a lot of historic buildings and districts.

As a material, iron is incredibly strong and rigid. Although installing an iron driveway gate may seem challenging, the benefit is worth it, as the structure will stay intact for years to come.

Another beauty of iron is its highly versatile nature. You could design wrought iron gates in various designs and shapes.

Note that there’s no right or wrong material for your gate. The gate material that’s best for you would depend on your personal preference and the style of your property.

When you need to install a manual or automatic driveway gate for your property, turn to 4 Sure Gates.

Gate Installation and Repair Specialists

We have over 15 years of professional gate installation and repair experience. Our licensed driveway gate repair specialists and installers provide stellar service in various areas in Texas, including Fort Worth, Southlake, Dallas, and Plano.

If you want to personalize a particular gate material, such as iron, we’ll customize it and make the entryway truly unique for your property. Alternatively, you could choose from our range of gate designs that will improve your property’s security and overall appearance.

Get a free estimate for your gate project today by calling (817) 965-7873.